Museum equipment and service collaborates successfully with major museums in the exhibition sphere and has a wealth of experience in the creation of temporary and permanent museum exhibitions that take into account the latest developments in international museum practice. These exhibitions are distinguished by their artistic originality and their use of modern applications that organically merge into the exhibition space.
Museum equipment and service provides a full cycle of works on creation of exhibitions, from the artistic design to its implementation on site using special exhibition equipment, professional display equipment, the construction and removal of the exhibition, and the installation of exhibits of any complexity. All stages of the creation of the exhibition are carried out under designer's supervision.
An individual approach to highlighting the special features of each exhibition ensures a high level of quality in the realization of the concept. During the creation of unique exhibitions special attention is paid to the development of individual design solutions, taking into account the aims of the exhibition and the architectural requirements of the exhibition space, including the design of special sets of exposition equipment that form an integral part of the artistic solution.